The bot toolkit you've been waiting for

Haze allows you to buy the most hyped items with ease. Our bot is designed to be fast, efficient, and reliable.

Try Haze Pro live in your terminal.

Designed in Golang for insane speeds

Haze is built with Golang, a statically typed, compiled language that is designed for speed and efficiency. This allows Haze to be faster than most other bots on the market.


Unmatched human-like behavior

Haze is designed to mimic human behavior as closely as possible. This means that Haze is less likely to be detected by websites and is more likely to be successful in purchasing items.

Support is our top priority

We are dedicated to providing the best support possible. Our team is available to help you with any issues you may have. We are always here to help you succeed.

And so much more...

There's too many amazing features to list, but here are a few of our favorites.


Our goal is to offer the best software out there. We are constantly updating our software to ensure the best experience.

TUI Console

Our TUI console is designed to be easy to use and efficient. We have designed it to be as user-friendly as possible.

Live Proxy Usage

Our software monitors your proxy usage in real-time. This allows you to see how much data you are using.

Delay Adjuster

No more task spam. Simply use our delay adjuster to find the right time for you. Avoid getting banned by websites.


We offer integrations with all of the top services like CapSolver and AYCD to make your life easier.


We offer webhooks to allow you to receive notifications when certain events occur. This allows you to stay up-to-date with your tasks.


Monthly Checkouts


Feature Requests Implemented


Discord Members

Help Support Haze.

Haze is an passion project that is developed and maintained by a small team. Your support helps us continue to develop and maintain Haze. For larger contributions please contact us.

A few of our maintained sites.

We are always looking for new sites to add to our collection. If you have a site you would like to see added, please let us know.

Ready to Begin?

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